Wednesday 2 January 2008

It's turned out nice again...

Attempting outdoor automotive photography in the height of the British winter can be a bit of a lottery - it either works spectacularly well or ends in disaster. I always think if you’re going to practice your craft in the UK, then you’ve got to put up with it. Having said that, it’s not all bad. Why not look upon winter weather as an advantage? Icy cold days can bring a mixture of valuable blessings: An ultra-low sun angle combined with a clear sky can, in some cases, yield stunningly warm tones. Then there’s the ability of being able to see for mile after uninterrupted mile.

Renault Trucks recently commissioned us to shoot a wide range of editorial images for their excellent in-house periodical, Optimum. Getting the operator or end user on board is often a skill in itself, but on this occasion MiT’s Chris Milner came up trumps. Working flat out from sunrise to sunset, he kept us going with an endless supply of tea and bacon butties, not to mention a fantastic selection of locations. You can’t beat local knowledge.

So here’s my top tip: Plump for a clear day and don’t let the cold put you off, work as the light rises or falls, and try look at every negative as a positive!

1 comment:

Paul Hartley said...

Great images, Tom - and equally great attitude. It obvious why clients like working with you. We can all learn a great deal from both your technical skills and your can-do spirit.

Paul H.