Saturday, 21 August 2010

Police, camera, action!

I want you to spare a thought for the poor man who, in ignorant bliss, started his portable convenience delivery shift a few weeks ago. After all, it can’t be easy humping the stinky blue liquid-filled necessities around the country. “I’ll stop for a well-earned kip and reflect on the day’s takings,” he tells himself after carefully selecting a quite lay-by near Barnsley. After yanking the handle on the seat, he closes his eyes.

But the state of tranquility is spoiled by some idiot who decides the same peaceful lay-by would be perfect for a photoshoot. But not any old photoshoot. This one involves a truck, it’s driver, oh and a simulated robbery scene. A masked man appears brandishing a rusty old crow bar, a long baseball bat and two deadly kitchen carving knives.

The Police had of course been forewarned, but return minutes later with cries of, “sorry, but our control room is being deluged with calls from concerned motorists... ”. We decided to play this as a positive, and after minimal negotiation, roped one of the officers into the shoot too. No one got arrested and we got the shots. Perfect.

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