Friday, 29 October 2010

The one that didn't make it

What’s probably not general knowledge is the fact there’s (more often than not) up to half a dozen DPS contenders when we shoot a T&D spread, plus a second or third cover option. So, with no further ado, here’s one example that ended up on the cutting room floor, as it were. It came from the the same set as the similar image used in T&D. The story goes that Ed Will Shiers wanted to run with an image with the reservoir in the background, but in the end was out-voted by Deputy Ed Chris Turner and Design guru Steve Gale. Personally, I would always go for the one with the biggest amount of scenery, but as I'm the supplier and not the client, I never get involved in these types of discussions.

This shoot was actually done in two halves. On the first attempt, Scania driver Joe, Tom and Sarah Greenwood couldn’t start until early one Sunday afternoon. We had some reasonable images, but not the big double page spread (DPS) I thought we needed. So we had another bash, late one afternoon just over three weeks ago just up the road from Chateau Cunningham!

I’m sure we’d all like to thank the idiotic biker who, despite passing us four times in ten minutes on his Isle of Mann TT-style run, failed to see the truck a fifth time and nearly met his maker. Joe’s marshaling traffic, whilst Tom’s frantically running round the truck with my Profoto 1200w strobe as I bark orders from the grass verge! I guess that answers the “why’s there no driver in the cab?” question.

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