Wednesday 16 April 2008

CV Show Blog - Day One (Dress Rehearsal)

I think I’m right in saying it’s my fifth year of covering the CV Show. As opposed to a normal editorial or commercial brief, the planning that goes into the event (from my own personal perspective) is actually quite intense. Ad hoc is not the way I’d best describe it. Come opening day, I’ll be shooting the event’s coverage for Motor Transport, Renault, Volvo, Michelin and Vauxhall.

The bulk of the stuff will be shot using two Canon 1D MKIII bodies, a backup 1D MKII body, as well as EF16-35 f2.8L, EF24-70 f2.8 and EF70-200 lenses. An EF300 2.8L will also be on hand just in case I need a few long shots - especially outdoors. In addition we’ll be armed with three EX580 II flashguns, which can be fired via the wireless Pocket Wizard system if necessary. But the most important piece of kit is undoubtedly the trusty Sony laptop, without which, precious upload deadlines would be missed.

Today is officially the morning before the day before, and I’ve decided to have a wonder round the NEC’s cavernous halls – dodging the army of stand erectors, joiners, electricians and carpet layers. It’s always wise to know where you’re going, how long it will take to get there and what you’re likely to find when you arrive. The stand contractors are hard at work, so there’s rolled up carpets, cables and general joinery paraphernalia everywhere. With pen scribbles covering the stand guide like a five-year-old’s doodle, I’m fairly sure I know what I’m doing - sort of. The unofficial first day also hosts a series of press conferences. Always a good place to get talking head shots of senior people, even if it’s only for client stock.

By early evening it’s back to the hotel for the familiar ritual of battery charging. In order to charge everything at once, I reckon I need somewhere in the region of 15 to 20 power sockets. I have, in the past, been sat there like Billy No Mates with every available power socket (including the tele) unplugged to give me enough charging capacity.

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