Friday 18 April 2008

CV Show Blog - Day Three (no you stupid boy, it’s Mam as in ham)

The official opening day passes in a blur, so today should be a tad more relaxed. With a combined area of 90,000 sq m, the nine halls take some walking. Both myself and fellow RBI comrade Tom Lee are starting to feel the effects of shoe wear. One of these years I’m going to bring a pedometer. The other thing I’m going to bring is sleeping pills. Shattered from the day before, it was a 3.30am start. I have a funny feeling it’s going to be a long day…

Renault has a new product to launch at the show, so by the time I reach the French Quarter it’s a positive hive of activity. I’m not a fan of some show images, as the creativity always seems to be somewhat lacking. But from the comfort of the floor I manage to capture a reasonable enough shot with a few of the all important stand visitors.

By lunchtime everyone is in Princess Anne mode. Her exact whereabouts (and subsequent movements) are meant to be a closely guarded secret. I explain (in the nicest possible way) that in order to photograph someone I need to know where they’ll be - and when... Royal or no Royal. My request appears to be plausible enough and I’m furnished with the top secret timetable! I’m not at liberty to divulge its contents, not even at this late hour. Mum’s the word… ehh… or maybe that should be Mam’s the word? Mmm... We’re also joined by Shadow Transport Secretary Theresa Villiers MP. I haven’t a clue what she’s like as a person, but from a photographer’s perspective she’s just the job: great body language and a nice smile.

I’ve got another gig tonight down at The Motor Heritage Centre at Gaydon. I’m not normally the sort of person who gets involved with this sort of project, but I quite like the Gaydon facility - it’s one of my favourite places to visit. The client is trailer manufacturer Schmitz Cargobull, and they’ve booked none other than TV’s Quentin Wilson as after dinner speaker. By the time the whole thing wraps up it’s gone 11pm. These are the days when you wish human beings could function without sleep.

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