Wednesday 2 April 2008

Under paid, over worked and over ‘ere

Those of you who tuned in to Trevor McDonald’s Tonight programme on Monday past will have been treated to none other than transport journalist, industry expert and close personal friend, Bob Beech. Bob was amongst the people rounded up by ITV’s researchers to give comment on the prog’s theme, Killer Lorries. Tonight's Quentin Wilson was charged with exploring the dangers of the thousands of foreign registered left hand drive trucks on our roads. Often piloted by tired, over-worked drivers with no grasp of the English language, daily accidents involving foreign nationals appear to continue almost completely unchecked. Quentin also drove T&S Transport’s left hand drive Volvo F16, the very same left-hook F16 we photographed for Truck & Driver magazine back in December. If you didn’t see the programme in question, you can catch it again by logging on to:

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