Tuesday 13 May 2008

They don't make 'em like they used to...

If you look hard enough, it’s possible to find the strangest items at events such as Truckfest - and I’m not just talking exhibits. Early on Monday morning, Commercial Motor’s ed-in-chief Brian Weatherley and myself headed off to in search of some used vehicle stock, a practice becoming more and more popular at events like this.

After a short walk we came across a stand selling old copies of truck magazines. Of course they had plenty of sought-after CMs. Brian lifted a copy from one of the displays. “Who was the editor in that year?” I asked. “Err… I was!” he replied. Weighty contractual obligations forbid me from stating exactly which year. All I can say is that journalists generally used type writers and photographers shot on transparencies. Anyway, here’s a shot of the man himself holding… err.. a shot of the man himself.

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