Monday 28 January 2008

Green... Moi... ?

I often joke with my clients (or maybe I’m being deadly serious… ?) that the business should become more ‘green’. Yup, we’d paint some flowers on the side of the Wolfsburg wonder, wang a ‘Save the Whale’ sticker in the back window, plant a sapling in the garden and hey presto! What’s wrong with that? We could charge more too. Fifty quid on top might be a good enough starting place. After all, it’s for the environment - who would argue? I haven’t a clue what my personal carbon footprint is, but having worked in Shanghai recently, I’ve got a funny feeling theirs is more than ours…. Anyway, I digress.

It turns out I operate a sort of green/could be greener business. The Wolfsburg wonder is a frugal diesel vehicle, I use energy efficient rechargeable batteries where possible, wine bottles go to the bottle bank and I recycle the Marlboro packets. Oh, and I’ve never knowingly flushed a goldfish down the toilet - before you ask. I always travel off peak - or as much as possible. Okay, that bit’s more down to the fact I hate sitting in traffic. It’s hard to see where else one can make meaningful improvements. I read somewhere recently that solar powered cameras are on the way, but a quick mental calculation of power drain left me thinking they’re talking consumer rather than pro.

With 160,000 on the clock, maybe it’s time for the Wolfsburg wonder to find a new home. Greater efficiency, that’s what we need. Then there’s Health & Safety - the other great blight of my otherwise harmonious life. I’m thinking moped-derived trike… hard hat… unsecured load area… with me so far?

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